Saturday, June 26, 2010


We're both happy and sad today. We're very pleased as our son, Tim, is getting married today to a wonderful lady. Patti is truly a blessing in his life. We're sad because we're so far away. That's the real struggle we face, moving to a foreign country. Thank goodness for Ecards and gift certificates.

It's very expensive to travel back to the U.S. It's between $200 and $250 U.S. more expensive to fly from here to Oregon, than from Oregon to here. Go figure! In addition, the exit tax isn't included in your ticket from here. We already knew and accept these things, but it still hurts.

We really miss our family. Our daughter has two boys, Max, almost 15 and Tyler 13 and Tim has Rex 14, Charley 12 and Jessie May 8. We felt a part of their lives up there, but as they are growing up, they've headed in their own directions. Just wish it was easier for Belize to be one of the directions. In the States, you can put kids on a plane and feel that they'll be helped to their destination, but not across international borders with Customs and Immigration.

Thank goodness for the internet. My brother & sister-in-law are wonderful to stay in touch and keep us posted on their lives and their families comings and goings.

Our struggle with this separation is ongoing. We anticipated this before making the move, but doesn't diminish the hole in our lives.

With love,


Suzanne McDaniel said...

Really enjoyed reading your blog. My family and I (my husband and our 3 kiddos 7,4,and 2) are planning a move to Belize ourselves. I've been spending much time googling and reading blogs from people who have made the move. :)

sandy a. said...

the internet does make things much easier. I've always lived far away from my parents, but the internet makes communication instantaneous!
Do u have Skype? There are ways to get around BTL if you have trouble with it.

Wilma said...

My mother was not happy to think of us moving to Belize until I pointed out to her that geographically speaking we would be no further away from her home in northeast Georgia when we move to Belize than we are from her now while we live in Minnesota! But that is only in miles; it takes much more travel time to get to her from Belize than from Minnesota. We have already put the internet to good use. She follows my blog and we email frequently. My family is accustomed to living with geographic separation. Currently members of my family live in England, North Carolina, Georgia, Colorado, and Minnesota; we'll just be swapping Minnesota for Belize. I hope it gets easier for you.
