Saturday, November 19, 2011

shutter on guest house

This probably sounds like a small thing, but it's turned out to be very important for the comfort of any guests we might have. I love our two guest bedrooms, but the one with the double bed, which faces east, has proven to be very hot in the morning. There isn't a veranda on that side, nor does the roof extend out very far. If we had it to do over again, we'd extend the roof a lot. Anyway, all our shutters are hinged at the side. We've kept the shutter on the east side closed most of the time to keep the sun from beating in. The problem with that is it also keeps the breeze, which generally comes from the east, from blowing in.

When Alejandro and Carlos were here, cutting down the trees, I had them remove the shutter and change the hinges to the top. Now it's propped partially open, protecting the window from the sun and the rain, but allowing us to replace the screen and have the breeze blow in.

Since the weather can be so extreme here. This should definitely be a consideration for anyone wanting to have shuttered windows. I have to add that we love our screened windows and wouldn't trade them for the louvered windows.


Dave Rider said...

I like the idea of the lift-up shutters. I have a couple of questions - what type of hinges are you using; and how do you secure them when in the down position?

Also, how do you secure them when open in case you get a strong draft that would lift them up?

Dreamer farm said...

Hi Dave,
This has all been an experiment for us. We rely on the "guys" to do a lot of things for us. I asked Rene's sons to change the hinges. We just used the same door hinges that were on the side of the original shutter. They just reinforced the top of the same shutter and put the hinges on the top. It's propped open with two sticks, one on each side at the bottom. We really don't worry about breezes moving it as it's too heavy. The window is about 2 1/2' x 4'. To secure the shutters for storms or whatever, we have those sliding gate latches. (sorry I'm not always sure of the technical name). We drill holes in the frame for the sliding bolt. The same holds true for the shutters hinged at the side. They can all be locked closed.

Hope this helps. That's my whole purpose for this crazy blog is to help folks bypass some of our mistakes.

Happy Holidays, Gale

Window treatments said...

This is a great example of how seemingly mundane ideas can lead to examples for others to emulate for enhanced comfort and convenience right inside your home.