After lots of dollars spent running our generator, we finally are getting our power from the sun! Fantastic. It's all thanks to our wonderful friend, Robin, who spent lots of hours here putting it together for us. He generously said that we could have done it ourselves, but we both have serious doubts that we could have. Anyway, the batteries are running my internet receiver right now. We still have a long ways to go. Our large appliances are DC and they still have to be wired in. It's frustrating here, because so many things aren't available. Instead of pluggin our frig and freezer in, we'll have to wire them in because you can't buy the plugins here. Little things like that can be irritating, but we're managing ok.
I'm posting a couple of photos, but you'll note that the solar panels are at an extreme angle for here. They look positioned more for Oregon or Colorado. We're going to cut the legs off about half way for "winter" here and then when the sun moves more to the north again in the "summer" we'll probably lay the panels down flat on the porch roof. We'll learn as we go, but so excited to finally have some of our plan working.