Yes, I'm still struggling with bronchitis, but doing ok as long as I'm up here, away from folks where I can cough and complain and no one to hear me except poor Art, Bailey and the birds. The trouble with bronchitis is that it takes so long to go away.
In the meantime, I've decided to spruce up a little of the trim on the buildings. Not going to paint too much, but the screen doors on the house are getting mungy (not sure if that's a real word, but they are anyway) and the trim on the little house looked really bad. To paint something here in the tropics, I think you have to use the pretty local colors. If you look at the bright green and then the bush you see that green everywhere. The lovely peach color on the little house, is actually around in the trees and is called papaya down here. Have used more of the blue on the guest house on the inside of one room and the bathroom, but love it on the little bench. Love the crumby table on the guest house veranda. Got if for $15bz at an auction and it's perfect for jigsaw puzzles. Now we just need guests. LOL!
Just want to let you know that we're still here. Art is in town getting a new cord put on the generator. Things sure wear out fast here. Life can be tough and we're getting our share right now, but the sun, warm breezes and wonderful folks help us to keep plugging away and to enjoy these beautiful colors.
Glad you are feeling better Gale. What kind of auction did you get the little table at? What a great deal.
Love the colors of the trim too.
Amazing how a little color can improve your whole perspective!
sounds like you are feeling a bit sunnier! :)
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